Thursday, March 28, 2024

 Andrea Maria from Clavicórdio

"I like to think that my hatred is a kind of mysticism.
It's not a totalitarian hatred, spread without care 
or devotion, but a humble, somewhat hypocritical, 
contemplative hatred, filled to the nostrils, like a saint, 
with a faint rotten aroma and dried blood.
I know that to hate is to still be in relationship. Refusal 
is still a relationship, like the father who abandons his 
son to save us. And I believe wholeheartedly in the son
 mixed with the cross."
Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr  john crowley 
I had lost my faith, as the church would say it, though I think the reverse is just as true. In fact I’m not sure that faith was ever what I had. I think I was not capax Dei, in Augustine’s phrase: I had, and have, no capacity for God. Living in the sacred time you didn’t really need it; you didn’t even need belief. All you needed were five senses, a sacerdotal language, and the solemnities of repetition. - John Crowley