Sunday, March 31, 2024

 Em abril águas mil


Tree slippages -

pin oak    shadow   dry field weedy   duff   loess 


Alliances of
Disputes about
The route of the dissenter
The limits of language
Aren’t the limits of love
Garbage and Golgotha
Did the apostles recycle,
pick up trash

The end times align with the beginning
I for one 
cannot tear them into separate messages
Oh, and what about the loss of birds 
the urgency of the fishes?

Quake signs.
Animal residual resistance
Senescence is coming.
Nothing was ever without consequences
but led ourselves into thinking so.
What is more interesting than optimism, more prescient than fatalism?
We fogo on.
(Even if it’s only and always indecisive)
No figs on the trees but under the duff mushrooms.
No birds in the sky but under the straw thawing ice.
An emmigration of environmental protections.
Assonance of Ashoka's Dama
Manga comprida.
Dama Buddha’s longo

Aspects of interstellar intelligence have reached us.
Intimations of mortality, immortal beloved, is life itself,
interstellar and grateful.
The brambles - consciousness.

Cinzento vente
Oh e
Deixei e

Mama hen and black white chicks hiding in bramble's consciousness.

Beyond the pink apartments
old men and young men without sandwiches or dogs
have great faith, great doubts.

Approach them.

An angel lives on my roof.
apelido é já
Por aqui sei agora. ou vou
Te espírito e em da casa ele estava
A sonho ou sombras ou ambos

Can I find order in my house? 
Do I need to go back 
to that place in my mind where I am mourning?

The small thing is, even though it doesn’t make sense.

You are not a child.
The burned books
Returned to the fish.
Green as earth or water (copper) and for air in holes
Those lost pieces of books are
playing with plastic, glass on the beach.

Almost hypericum nearly nepenthe.

There are many moments over many years that have become a long moment of feeling the world, like an hour during a child's summer day.


joaninha, joaninha
sem a cauda
ainda um dragão
com asas de fogo
uma corpa cor de sangue 
salpicado de cinzas

joaninha joaninha
uma caçadora
uma vingadora
ver vermelho
vejo vermelho
quando te vejo


ladybird, ladybird
without a tail
still a dragon
with wings of fire
and blood-coloured body
sprinkled with ashes

ladybird ladybird
a huntress
an avenger
see red
I see red
when I see you

Saturday, March 30, 2024

a high shuttered window

has a twin window

glass patched with tape

lets in light

as rain

feeds the roof

rampant with fern and polypody


Stone bones

grand abandoned homes

The rich have disappeared,

as will the cardboard walls

holding blanketed bodies.

It's in the dog's eyes,

all of it -

such loneliness





Thursday, March 28, 2024

 Andrea Maria from Clavicórdio

"I like to think that my hatred is a kind of mysticism.
It's not a totalitarian hatred, spread without care 
or devotion, but a humble, somewhat hypocritical, 
contemplative hatred, filled to the nostrils, like a saint, 
with a faint rotten aroma and dried blood.
I know that to hate is to still be in relationship. Refusal 
is still a relationship, like the father who abandons his 
son to save us. And I believe wholeheartedly in the son
 mixed with the cross."
Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr  john crowley 
I had lost my faith, as the church would say it, though I think the reverse is just as true. In fact I’m not sure that faith was ever what I had. I think I was not capax Dei, in Augustine’s phrase: I had, and have, no capacity for God. Living in the sacred time you didn’t really need it; you didn’t even need belief. All you needed were five senses, a sacerdotal language, and the solemnities of repetition. - John Crowley

w a t e r w o r d s

 Several words for bodies of water changed meanings between the old country and the new. 
In England a pond is artificial, but in America it is natural. Creek in British English refers to an inlet from the sea, while in American English it describes a tributary of a river. An English watershed is a line or ridge separating the waters that flow into different drainage areas, but in America it’s a slope down which the water flows, or the catchment area of a river. Americans added the meaning of a small stream or brook to branch and said fork to refer to one arm of a river as well as a fork in the road. 
- Rosemary Ostler 2023 from The United States of English-The American Language from Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century

a poem, repeated

 To whom it may concern, Mr. Kirala's intention is to accelerate the process of making a beautiful tiger, and he is good at it.


unconformity, a line  that separated time 
radically different rock formations, 
layers of finite

Siccar Point
three men and no end
cement works at Dunbar
and the Muirs away
and sere
concrete weirs
here and there
where no fish stay
no children among the grasses
deep time passes
leaves and island for a lake
so deep it’s first in freshwater size
and rarely frozen
surprisingly clear down 8 meters
and found there thomsonite
of lonely
Morton Outcrops

a caminhada

a caminhada (the walk)

steps are lines of sight
one foot down two feet forward
or pause
to see
to remember
and then continue


os passos são linhas de visão
um pé para baixo dois pés para a frente
ou fazer uma pausa
para ver
para recordar
e depois continuar

Eu nunca estou sozinho
Estou sempre sozinho



a r t e

Cá estou eu (h e r e  am I, here I am)  


projeto um  -  uma visão da vida


uma folha de ouro

um velho cão dourado



o mar Báltico

sicómoro empedrado

uma enfermeira a fumar


a vision of  life

one golden leaf 

an old gold dog 



the Baltic sea

cobbled sycamore 

a nurse smoking


projeto dois - folhas e tableau 

Thimble-sized gold book of margaritas or margaridas 
ou Margaret’s goddess of bloom without pluck, 
fucked by another religion and beheaded

Ana Ann Anne - barrens (barren women) and after 
why you are more than blood or bloodline

Natural histories -
I prefer Juana Alipay’s de Machado Worthington 
to  what?
A pill in a bottle
A pleasant legend as many like Grimm are neither natural nor history

Lucretius  Pliny

projeto três -filmes

What’s the skinny?Assets bought and sold
Most unassuming ant richer than that

Boats barquinho the river inland
Susana Monsó philosopher on grief

Directed to see
A house centipede  
Over stained glass

Light on sand
In shadow
In hear

Sixteen absences
The heartrecedes
An afterword

projeto quatro - coisas

An exhibition of flag poems each inspired by a word an artist in the exhibit provides



t h o u g h t s


A kiss
that wishes to be 
an expression of freedom,
away from the safety of partnership
I go into old age 
an Alcott Jo that
chose her own ending
Start to or first recognize
your shadows, you said

What makes me see

The difficulty of long sickness
the heart in disrepair,
weary of nothing but exhaustion itself

To be, truly,
and as a solitary
is the joy.
Deserved access to your mind’s eye
Interesting interruptions

Wind is accessible 

light at the end


as it ends

slips under

as it ends 

into such disarray 

that its ellipsis is 

a sloppy summary of day.

Still, it stores unseen greens

to come, or come again.


night wind broke the marble

but not the bat, lonely, lost,

lodged under the rolling 

shuttered door

hanging nearby

more refugees, dark shapes.

Midnight brings a bird to the window

and an animal creeping along the sill.

s t o r m

a gull falls from

salt-altered air

as warnings shift

yellow to orange,

becomes part of

coastal foment



time stutters, small wet bursts of minutes


that have been pushed, crest.






have lost the locus of time


air underwater 

as the gull,


disappears into

fuming spray, 

wings bent, 

and mewling.




Thursday, March 14, 2024


(fuzzy, forming)

thought of

(ought, want, could)

when I wake

make omurice

mourn river eel

wrist pain means rain

fish out of water

I couldn't kick the eel

não há coragem
eu não há couragem

a brown eel

in road shoulder sand

I couldn't kick the brown eel

so close to the river

so far from the river

uma vida lá
Lá em baixo, no rio
e uma morte
uma morte no ar
I couldn't kick the brown eel
dead in road shoulder sand
into the green shoulder grass



Wednesday, March 13, 2024






friends in



eggs (who are sheep)

then creeping warm





boy with ball

all small things

eight stories high

I give thanks for


Thursday, March 7, 2024


Tonight the inevitable 
creeping into my bones. 
às vezes
ao meu lado
by my side
need boundaries




Wednesday, March 6, 2024

vidas e mortes 2


Já não estás aqui.

Tenho saudades tuas.

Apareces de vez em quando num sonho,
ou como uma memória dentro de algo,
ou na minha mente quotidiana,
como uma palavra que raramente digo em voz alta.


You're not here anymore.

I miss you.

You appear from time to time in a dream,
or as a memory inside something,
or in my everyday mind,
like a word I rarely say out loud.



os andorinhões regressaram,
as joaninhas, 
e as pequenas abelhas pretas.
the swifts returned,
and the small black bees.
O jasmim num frasco faz-me companhia enquanto escrevo.

Jasmine in a jar keeps me company as I write. 


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Long friendships change. Some slip back into time quietly, quite naturally, create a mutual silence 

that grows comfortable over the years.

 I prefer this, of course.

But this is not always so.

I've had the pain of letters unanswered, 

felt cruel words that, aware of my secrets,

knew exactly where to cut.


But perhaps it's all part of the animal we are, that can choose to ease or hurt a heart.