Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Wish my stone sills

were bone dry

On the floor

a damp cocoon -

wet beginnings,




 self like unsealed stone

leaking through and into

my interior

a bit damp




live daily

taxed or lax

one before two



There isn't any other space

but this one





Wednesday, October 25, 2023

One brown cocoon

deflates, lifeless



I am not afraid of death

but of that circle in hell, poverty

its endless waterwheel -

a relentlessly inefficient

extraction of the soul 


Sunday, October 22, 2023



n a u f r á g i o s  Cabeza de Vaca            1542 

i n t e r l i n e a r  Haniel Long     1936  1944 1972

Para proteger a ociosidade que amo
Cercar a inação com muros contra o mar

Abafo o som das ondas
com auscultadores silenciosos e reclinado,

observo os céus
viajando pelas constelações

To protect the idleness I love
I surround inaction with sea walls

I muffle the sound of the waves
with silent headphones and reclining,

I watch the skies
traveling through the constellations


breve sol

Minha vida é um feixe de luz
que tenta pesar
uma sombra
antes de desaparecer



My life is a beam of light
that tries to weigh down
a shadow
before disappearing

Mais a rima

montões, pilhas

recuperar o que é descartado

to be with experience

to see as normative

uncomfortable feelings

paying attention to

uses, applications


O meu casaco/ My coat

um casaco
feito de
peles e penas
que pensei ter perdido.

Agora estou
feliz por o ter encontrado.

fotos a preto e branco dos
os mortos e eu digo

todas elas
cabem perfeitamente
nos bolsos
deste casaco.

O casaco colorido
pertence a outra pessoa.

Este é meu,
realmente meu,
um silencioso
e reconfortante
vacas leiteiras e pardais.

I found
a coat
made of
fur and feathers
I thought I'd lost.

Now I'm
happy to have found it.

I show you
black and white photos of
the dead and I say

all of these
will fit perfectly
in the pockets
of this coat.

The colored coat
over there
belongs to someone else.

This is mine,
really mine,
a quiet
and comforting
milk cows and sparrows.

sonhando com o barco feito de dentes