Thursday, September 19, 2024

Night Thoughts

The body is the Bodhi tree,
The mind is like a clear mirror.
At all times we must strive to polish it.
And must not let the dust collect.
- Shenxiu, according to Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of Zen

Bodhi originally has no tree.
The mirror also has no stand.
Buddha nature is always clear and pure;
Where is there room for dust?
- Huineng



Buttocks like palmiers. 

Oversized organs. No eyes.

And no kisses. This poem

is a promotion for flesh-eating memes. 

Not here dreams, or desire

but artless algorhythms.



A hallmark of age -

brittle brown camelias

littering the mind



I told you the ice

wouldn't melt. Now it's raining.

Betrayed by winter!



Sky pressing against

an ash moon, an ashed night

outlasts fire, 

or might,