Friday, July 19, 2024

white jade

white jade

Years ago, a close friend visited a couple she had met through work. She managed a used bookshop, and they often came in to buy, browse, and chat about books. They were private people, spoke little about themselves, so she was surprised to receive an invitation to visit them at their home for lunch.  On a weekend afternoon a few weeks later,  took the bus from the city to their neighborhood. They lived in a nondescript condominium in a modest suburb of San Francisco. Greeting her warmly at the door, they asked that she remove her shoes, offering her a pair of house slippers. The small white foyer opened out into a large, vaulted, white room. Drawn white curtains covered a large window. White carpeting covered the floor. Two white leather sofas and three simple low tables floated in the center of the space. There were no visible lamps or bricolage, no plants, paintings, photographs, nothing colorful or alive. My friend then found herself involuntarily gasping. Against the longest wall in the room stood three very large lit display cabinets, made entirely of glass. These housed a remarkable collection of white jade. 

tenement shop in chinatown of the most respected jade dealer in California