Monday, November 29, 2021


 pigeon or dove's gone feral

as did jonah

swallowed by wildness

and waterbeasts

both men islands at sea

abecaderian he

altered, zealot,  not

without violence

his learning,

his poems


there where

refuge and raid met

he set stone to bone and paper

wrote gods and liturgy

into Latin.

This dove of death in life, peace in prayer

there where stones remembered,

a wake and its night soil 

left for the rest of us.


Altus *prosator, *vetustus
dierum et ingenitus
erat absque origine
primordii et *crepidine
est et erit in sæcula
sæculorum infinita;
cui est unigenitus
Xristus et sanctus spiritus
coæternus in gloria
deitatis perpetua.
Non tres deos *depropimus
sed unum Deum dicimus,
salva fide in personis
tribus gloriosissimis.

High creator, Ancient
of Days, and unbegotten,
who was without origin
at the beginning and foundation,
who was and shall be in infinite
ages of ages;
to whom was only begotten
Christ, and the Holy Ghost,
co-eternal in the everlasting
glory of Godhood.
We do not propose three gods,
but we speak of one God,
saving faith in three
most glorious Persons.