Monday, November 8, 2021


Was it an r, full sailed,

or an m sinking below the waves?

Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru, cover continents with eyes, ears, and mouths. 


Salt at the door. What for?


Where is that word for something? Anorexic recall.


Ondol, onsen, earth and water. 

On a warm floor, dreams remain, and sleep keeps them company.

Steaming pools admit fugitives, drown downed ares and ems .


saw in the mind, this bluntness of date -


1543 - when three sailors were blown off course.

The fourth, Shizaru Xavier, arrives,

survives as a worn stone and shadows.


You go first. No, algo.


Mallows brought on ships, and other seeds of weed.

Thirty-three weeds, 

seeds growing where they're unwanted.

Unzen admonishment.


Sizaru Xavier earlier, instead, dead

on Shangchuan. 




Waves separating us. Divisions of sounds,

salt surrounding homes, and fish.

Dishes of salt

turn to seas in the rain.






António Mota, Francisco Zeimoto and António Peixoto 

(also presumably Fernão Mendes Pinto)