Thursday, September 12, 2024

An Inventory

 Um inventário -

A invenção da roda conduziu ao progresso da imaginação espiritual.

Sob o céu, o mar, as árvores ergueram-se outrora na Doggerland. As florestas das marés continuam a afogar-se.


An inventory -

The invention of the wheel led to the progress of the spiritual imagination.

Under the sky, the sea, trees once stood in Doggerland. The tidal forests continue to drown.


Cygnus, Serpens, Draco

loosed Grus



Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Eridanus, early morning, September 11 2024














clear night sky

smoke rising from the banks of Eridanus


the hour is here

to clear summer gardens

burn weeds

plant autumn seeds


the odour of air 

in September -

sudden enlightenment


"Once the mind stops striving, the world loses importance"*
*Xie Lingyun (J.D. Frodsham)




Monday, September 9, 2024

This week, 



there will be other days

and sure

they'll be

a blur

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A quiet day

low key and very me

by listening

I learn to observe


I move the cold bee to the sun-warmed tile


Afternoon hours spent


in my mother tongue

and portugués -

so pleased to be present!



Saturday, September 7, 2024

I forgot

in order to

to make space.

Everyone forgets,

she said,

large, important

or small,

we all

do it.

I needed space around 

unexpected drama, 

space for walking,

and thoughts.

I ignored my own notes 


even my voice,

rejoiced in finding a filter

for all of it,

retreated into my nest, with blue ice cream..

The Boötes Void (for Colt Gray)

 Tonight, Boötes Void
Um jovem grande mas de cabeça vazia
persegue uma pequena matilha de cães*
com muitas estrelas
que seguem a mãe do jovem,
que está a fugir dele
Um jovem grande,
mas de cabeça vazia
segue a sua mãe
que foge dele

Para ele, ela parece uma ursa grande e saborosa
algo para caçar, matar e comer
Deve doer à mãe pensar
que os seus seios amamentaram este assassino.

Ela corre e corre e corre
sempre apenas o suficientemente rápido
para estar a salvo
das suas balas
mas para sempre perdida 
para ele e para os seus abraços


A large but empty-headed young man
chases a small pack of dogs*
with lots of stars
who are following the young man's mother,
who is running away from him

A big young man,
but empty-headed
follows his mother
who is running away from him

To him, she looks like a big, tasty bear
something to hunt, kill and eat
It must pain his mother to think
that her breasts suckled this killer.

She runs and runs and runs
always just fast enough
to be safe
from his bullets
but forever lost to his embraces

*Constelação Cães de Caça (Canes Venatici)

what I forget 

because the mind cannot lift

easily from

one experience to another

I take a test

I'm cognitively green,

with room for improvement

h a i k u


plant infinities -

everlastings, a cosmos -

know these too die


autumn's rains begin

within me new stars center -

I have seasons too


Boötes - (bow awe tees)  now in the night sky,

a constellation  containing Arcturus, 

and few galaxies 




Thursday, September 5, 2024

 Outside blue-

you cannot fault this morning 

for anything.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Late Summer, Garden Punctuation


burns to


east to west.

Test three small trees

for vine weevils.

(Trees weevil free)

Cull spent blooms, pull yellowed leaves.

Harvest chard.

Water while it's cool.

Check again for pests

but in all plants.

Nothing found

but webs,




punctured leaves

to sturdy stems.




A dúvida varre-me como um vento frio

what is it 

drives lives


 turning off the light

to see Riga


lies there

but not

so far away

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Asian hornet kills weevils

Pindar knew, and I do too-

One good for two evils