Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 what is sun, sky

but the present I sublimated?

Between us and them 

a light apparent

(non-binding, not blinding).

Life lived in gratitude isn't absolution.

Warm sun, wind - my graces.

Once wandress (wondrous),

the cypress, the funeral tree's

among the

first unfound.

Altered lives grounded in pilgrimage.

seis stemmed,

are that char, that chair outside, laid earth, dirt.

Of all dictions, the done one wins,

Bogged in, begin

by loving all who they were.

Sing among western mesas

among dry places.

Shout, we are here

to raze museums!

to praise libraries!

The libraries

That is where the there is, the theys are also,

the we, youse

and me.