Saturday, February 13, 2016

Gunabhadra (394-468)
translator of Lankavatara Sutra
into Chinese
is recorded

What  is  it?

In the same text, 1st Zen patriarch Bodhidharma is recorded asking

What is that?

fifth patriarch Hung Jen of sixth patriarch Hui Nang (638-713) asked

What is this thing and how did it get here?

Huai Jang  or Nangaku Ejo (677-744) replied

Although its cultivation and experiencing are not uncalled for, it cannot be tainted

Huai Jang asked

What is it?

Ma Tsu or Baso (709-788) replied

for the thirty years since my last shock, I have been short of neither salt nor sauce


Those who seek the truth should realise there is nothing to seek. There is no Buddha but and; there is no mind but Buddha.
I want to stop crying like a baby.
When the crying has stopped,
not mind
not Buddha.

Ma Tsu to Pai Chang  or Hyakujo (720-814)
who called to a crowd after dharma talk

What is it?

Huang  Po or Obaku (d. 850)
seven feet tall with a pearl-like swelling in the middle of his forehead said

Your true nature is... never lost to you even in moments of delusion, nor...gained
at the moment of enlightenment

his disciples
fierce Lin Chi or Rinzai (d. 866)
stalking enlightenment like a panther

and the reclusive, sandal making  Mu Chou or Bokushu (780-877)
who, picking up a piece of cake asked

What is it?

and, as his first teacher, slammed the door on the leg of Yün Men or Ummon (d.949)

helping him to achieve enlightenment

encouraging him to also train under Hsüeh Feng or Seppo (822-980)


when approached, alone and fiery, could burn off your face

scolded Yün Men for

talking in his sleep

Yün Men's teaching survived for 3 hundred years after his death.

You tell me
what is it?

What else is it?

- The Faith To Doubt. Batchelor