Wednesday, June 26, 2024

thoughts about, quotes from reading caste

Caste - Isabel Wilkerson

"None of us are ourselves."

"Strange things pop up at us when we are liberated from our delusions" ... 122

"But he discovered he was a captive of his own conditioning, which he called a certain madness." 122

the mudsill

The morning will soon 

escape cool for dry.

I watch the sky for swift, swallow, kite.


the sea


an azure glare.

I stare south into a wood, 

past fields

easing green.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Need days 


playing minuets,

writing letters,

and laughter.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Saint's night bright without barking

 none of us are ourselves

Steep places, these,

edged into 

sea scarps,

rock rouged, rough.

Pastured to the

the brink

of what

we think 

is known.


This is insularity

aging seen as stone - 

legacies  of

hand, foot, pressed against,

placed loose

against the precipice.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here the whole world (stars, water, air,
And field, and forest, as they were
Reflected in a single mind)
Like cast off clothes was left behind
In ashes, yet with hopes that she,
Re-born from holy poverty,
In lenten lands, hereafter may
Resume them on her Easter Day.

- C.S. Lewis, epitaph for Joy Davidman

Friday, June 7, 2024

six a.m. -

a fluttering


round of




is a road hump

or was,


In a dream,

I spy

a sleeping policeman.


cop and mound

as sounds,

to my sleeping mind,

seem somehow salted,


and fishy.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024


days of it





what is just

must concern you



Como é que os dias o cativam, o abraçam, o inspiram?

Por vezes, diante de mim, vejo apenas uma procissão pouco clara de intenções.


Ask me.

How do the days captivate you, embrace you, inspire you?

Sometimes, in front of me, I see only an unclear procession of intentions.



Enjoo de movimento. Envelhecimento.

(Motion sickness. Aging.)


corrosive vocabulary


pattern recognition in 


more an absence of


Tuesday, June 4, 2024


este tanto mais

é demasiado

estou a procurar de  ma 間

em todos os sítios errados


 I think

this much more

is too much

i'm looking for ma 間

in all the wrong places