Friday, September 16, 2022

last night

a delight




and places

where living

has been embraced


I walk an incline 

down to the metro

past teens teasing one another

enter a cave of a station

with tired clerks and backpackers

at trinidade 

I change

to the yellow line


I'll wait for the bus

because my bones

ache from hours of Porto walking

my Gaia neighborhood's dark, dark

stepping carefully through debris

finding street lamps blinding the final meters

shielding my eyes from them

the neighbors I've asked to stay away laugh loudly 

as they

come closer 

returning too

from a night out

I enter the lift

the laughing neighbors

shift their gaiety to rooms below me

I remain happy in our distance

happy they are happy

and I am happy too

you find those you 

have meaning with

you find

a quiet darkness and a brightness 

that both unblind you

make you open and generous

when you are with friends