Monday, January 25, 2021


Dark roast, no milk. 

Careful. Sorrow distracts, causes overfill, spillage.

This wake's within. We knew you knew not to come, cried alone,

but wouldn't hide what died among the stones.

Conversations after funerals, measured by mug size. Black water reflects another lie:

one who championed gender-neutral rules of law
because she hates the use of the word mother

Thank you so much for your support. Beat me with your flag.  

Call me nigger fifteen times. 

I am black, and I am blue. My life, to you, doesn't matter.
I hadn't slept much the night before, anxiously waiting for Georgia's results - little time to celebrate.
Found a priest to give Last Rites. She died last night, my mother, mother, mother.
    Εν μόνον αγαθόν είναι, την επιστήμην, και εν μόνον κακόν, την αμαθίαν. 
        There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. 

What we have learned! Many, many people in this country will kill for a lie.
Ropes aren't tropes.
Liars leave gallows to break things, then take flight. What falls from the sky as they flee?
I tend to small truths, wounded, bleeding.
Liars have dropped them, tweeting, on stones. 
Ousted liars call their wives, then disappear, clear out, travel south. 
Drink your coffee in silence.