Tuesday, September 8, 2020

my food routines

During a pandemic it's important
to eat wisely.
I search for
nutritious foods,
in portions
suited to
my temperament and preference for
I eat no meat.
I'm called to have small
meals, throughout my
waking hours.
I began this habit in Japan
and continue now in Wisconsin.
Mornings, it's
coffee, twice and black,
with oatmeal or a slurry made
of nut milk and fruit.
Then at ten I have a snack,
a banana or
dried figs,
followed by lunch.
In Japan, I ate buckwheat soba,
plain, in its cooking water,
with a piece of cheese and tofu.
I would treat myself to an egg salad sandwich,
though it wore thin
if indulged in
more than once a month.
Dinner was soba or tofu, vegetables, daifuku or melon.
In the States I eat more eggs
and have developed a fondness for lentil fusilli, arugula, and watermelon.
Fruit is cheap here - I feel rich and spoiled.
I drink more green tea for memory.
The matcha taste
makes me long for mountains and the trains that go there.
The last 2 weeks, I've eaten a non GMO ear of corn,
raw and salted after shucking,
an evening second supper.
At night, spiced tea ,
with a slice of vegetable cheese
that tastes more like straw than Swiss.
This, then, is my food routine,
carried between two countries.

I've heard food is a portrait of the soul.
I wonder what this split existence reveals?