Sunday, May 3, 2020

It is good to restrain one's mind, uncontrollable, fast moving, and following its own desires as it is. A disciplined mind leads to happiness.
Dhammapada 3.35

things and thoughts

This took my breathe away: the geranium, pelargonium domesticum

ゼラニウム zeraniumu
in an old woman's garden
she brings me in
to take a picture
hers as or more beautiful than her neignbor's

many kinds of geraniums , with scent 香りのゼラニウム (kaori no zeraniumi)
when asked
patiently tells again and again "zeraniumi, zeraniumi"

points to fragrant
wax-leafed ligustrum Japonica

"The fruit is said to be a nutrient tonic. Extracts of the plant show antibacterial, antiulcer and hypotensive activity."

"The roasted seed is a coffee substitute. Young shoots - cooked. A famine food, used when all else fails. The shoots contain a glycoside and are probably toxic."

I think of the wild geranium
Gennoshouko (Japanese Geranium)

Parts Used: Aerial portions
Principal Use: Poor digestion, diarrhea, constipation
Actions: Astringent, stomachic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial

A perennial I see in empty plots and among cracks , along fields and roads




ガマズミ属の木 gamazumi noku no ki
white tightly pushed open over weeks