Saturday, May 30, 2020

There's nothing here
but you
and a wind that begins to seep
into you
though the bare room,
the spare room
you've left empty
to welcome the wind,
to allow room,
to allow you room.
Emptiness is a room of rooms
that desires
only this-
not to go or come,
nothing undone or to do.
You wanted
to be time-aligned
with an afternoon wind
as it shook shade and shuddered
into the shadowed place this empty room is,
where it now sifts
through a curtain,
or coasts
across an empty floor,
where more than anything,
it can be everything
that moves you.
closed cacti blossoms
beside shriveling amaryllis

fringed pinks
as fields, reforested

drains after rains -
underneath my feet ,
fern-framed springs

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

still the privet flowering
and rain
fruit on trees
these tiny and green 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

ligustrum lucidum

bright privet
(assato) roasted
and green
Scientific Name
Ligustrum lucidum

Common Names
broadleaf privet

China and Japan


Distinguishing characteristics
Hairless shrub or small tree; branchlets with conspicuous white lenticels (a small spot appearing on young bark, through which gaseous exchange occurs).

Leaves pear to elliptic or narrow-pear in shape, tips tapering to the point, base rounded, margins entire, upper surface dark green, lower surface paler.

The flower head or inflorescence is a dense panicle (many branched) with a flower or flower bud at the end of each branch. The flower heads often appear pointed. The pedicel (flower stalk) is 1-3 mm long. Flower is white. Flowers in Summer. Fruit is a rounded berry, blue-black or black in colour.


Other plants easily confused with this plant
Ligustrum lucidum (broadleaf privet) is easily confused with Ligustrum sinense (small-leaf privet).  The most obvious difference is the size of the leaves. L. lucidum usually has leaves with 4-13 cm long and 3-5 cm wide whereas L. sinense mostly has leaves 2-5 cm long and 1.5-2.5cm wide. Ligustrum sinense usually flowers in Spring and Ligustrum lucidum in Summer.
went to
came back

Monday, May 18, 2020

Rain, and more of it.

I get up from the desk,
hold my chest high, go out.
The darkening street
sounds of water
and wears it well,
pooling and puddling into shadows and light.
My night walk
consists of this -
finding an egg salad sandwich at least
a kilometer from here.

where we're drowning in work.
While I walk thinking about my sandwich, I compose a haiku to egg salad and yellow peonies.
I don't know-
are yellow peonies hard to grow?
This sandwich is proving illusive,
and when found, stale. 
I buy vegetable sushi as a backup.
Almost home, I look in the convenience store nearest my apartment, and there it is.
The perfect sandwich, halved, decrusted, soft yellow busting fresh against its wrapper.
But I'm glad for the walk, the time to tune myself into seeing things again -
how the cold still sits in the trees,
and the street cats are not malnourished.
While even now, nearly asleep,
I am still contemplating the fate
of stale egg salad sandwiches
and yellow peonies.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The elderly, up at dawn
wash down steps and curb.

At three in the afternoon,
inside a small cottage,
an old man drones a sutra.

The temple's closed
but the bells toll.

On this street
rinsed clean each day
children scream in play.

At night it hosts the dog-walkers and insomniacs who,
meeting, pass with a nod.

It's true that under the moon
our masks come on and off irregularly
patterns of forgetfulness, a daze,
rather than defiance.

Self-reliant, the stray cats are always here
clearly intrigued by the lessening of us
plus ever-hopeful, as cats are, that less
will mean more for them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

This new bower
this blue bower
inside my mask -
the skyline
of isolation

Monday, May 11, 2020


Take away dengue and malaria
clean the sea and swim it in a green car.

Our gloves are made to drink water.

Think of drinking in the Milky Way
they say
as once a year lovers cross it to meet.

Now how can they,
left locked behind doors, and masked?

I ask myself,
will we recognize each other after this?

Sunday, May 3, 2020

It is good to restrain one's mind, uncontrollable, fast moving, and following its own desires as it is. A disciplined mind leads to happiness.
Dhammapada 3.35

things and thoughts

This took my breathe away: the geranium, pelargonium domesticum

ゼラニウム zeraniumu
in an old woman's garden
she brings me in
to take a picture
hers as or more beautiful than her neignbor's

many kinds of geraniums , with scent 香りのゼラニウム (kaori no zeraniumi)
when asked
patiently tells again and again "zeraniumi, zeraniumi"

points to fragrant
wax-leafed ligustrum Japonica

"The fruit is said to be a nutrient tonic. Extracts of the plant show antibacterial, antiulcer and hypotensive activity."

"The roasted seed is a coffee substitute. Young shoots - cooked. A famine food, used when all else fails. The shoots contain a glycoside and are probably toxic."

I think of the wild geranium
Gennoshouko (Japanese Geranium)

Parts Used: Aerial portions
Principal Use: Poor digestion, diarrhea, constipation
Actions: Astringent, stomachic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial

A perennial I see in empty plots and among cracks , along fields and roads




ガマズミ属の木 gamazumi noku no ki
white tightly pushed open over weeks