Thursday, December 12, 2019

stella splendens

Ensemble Oni Wytars

Stella Splendens (Llibre Vermell, 14th century

aboutAnother of the ten devotional “pilgrim” songs addressed to the Virgin, from the 14th century Catalonian “Llibre Vermell” of Montserrat.


Stella splendens in monte ut solis radium
miraculis serrato exaudi populum.

Concurrunt universi gaudentes populi
divites et egeni grandes et parvuli
ipsum ingrediuntur ut cernunt oculi
et inde revertuntur gracijis repleti.
Stella splendens...

Principes et magnates extirpe regia
saeculi potestates obtenta venia
peccaminum proclamant tundentes pectora
poplite flexo clamant hic: Ave Maria.
Stella splendens...

*Coetus hic aggregantur hic ut exhibeant
vota regratiantur ut ipsa et reddant
aulam istam ditantes hoc cuncti videant
jocalibus ornantes soluti redeant.
Stella splendens...


Radiant star on the mountain, like a miraculous sunbeam,
hear the divided people.

All joyous people come together:
rich and poor, young and old,
climb the mountain to see with their own eyes,
and return from it filled with grace.
Radiant star…

Rulers and magnates of royal stripes,
the mighty of the world, possessing grace,
proclaim their sins, beating their breast,
and call on bended knee: Ave Maria.
Radiant star…

All these groups assemble here to present themselves,
To remember their vows and keep them as well
By enriching this temple, adorning it with jewels
So that all may see and return in joy, partaking of salvation.
Radiant star…
