Saturday, March 10, 2018

The four aspirations

beatus ille  - praise of the simple and detached life of the field in front of the life of the city. 
carpe diem
locus amoenus - pleasant place, idealization of reality 
tempus fugit -  running time, awareness of it.

Beatus ille qui procul negotiis,
ut prisca gens mortalium 
paterna rura bobus exercet suis, solutus omni faenore, neque excitatur classico thousands truci neque horret iratum mare, viticulture et superba civium potentiorum limina.
Blessed is he who, far from business, 
like the old race of men, 
spends his time working the father's fields with his own oxen, 
free of all debt, 
and does not wake up, like the soldier, upon hearing the bloody trumpet of war , 
nor is it frightened by the anger of the sea, 
staying away from the forum and the proud thresholds 
of powerful citizens ».

Horace , Epodos , 2, 1.